Aspire’s Fall Menu Premier Party and Amy McCoy Book Signing

21 Sep

Sometimes we just look for an excuse to throw a party, and this was a great excuse! A few months back when planning our new fall menu we were put in touch with local blogger/cookbook writer Amy McCoy. We invited her to lunch and what walked in the door was one of the sweetest, smiliest, smart and talented women we’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with. Amy spent much of her career as a freelancer in TV Production, a far cry from the world of cookbook writing. However, her formative years were influenced by a family owned restaurant and a “no junk food allowed” upbringing. Amy’s debut book is available online and in all major bookstores, its 240 pages are brimming with colorful images (shot on the author’s back porch) and delicious recipes which will feed a family of 4 for under $15!

We invited Amy to be part of our Fall Menu Premier because the philosophies behind her cooking are so similar to ours – buy local ingredients whenever possible and keep your flavors seasonal.

The party happened on September 14th in the evening, set in Aspire’s courtyard park we offered a tasting to clients, local media, and friends. Future Affairs Productions decorated our courtyard in a Harvest theme with rocking chairs, bales of hay, pumpkins, mums, fence posts and even a scare crow. For all the images please visit our Flick page at:

As I mentioned before Amy McCoy is a blogger, which is where she started writing about food, you can visit her blog at:

Here is our New Fall Menu:

Entry by Emily Beauchemin

One Response to “Aspire’s Fall Menu Premier Party and Amy McCoy Book Signing”

  1. Courtney February 23, 2011 at 6:41 pm #

    Get the shrimp to start…they are the best! If you are up for a challebge, go for the lobster feast. It is so much food, but extremly delicious!!!!

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